
New Year Resolutions | 2014

I wouldn't feel right starting this post without saying happy new year, so happy new year!

2014 sounds so futuristic...like back in 2009, I would have imagined machines that could record dreams or flying cars by now! c'oh, 2014 is already a disappointment.
But on a serious note, New Years is a time for change. Many people see it as a way to set a target, known as a 'new years resolution'.
With that smooth transition in hand, 'New Years Resolutions' are actually what I'm going to talk about (well.. type about) today. So grab a biscuit, a cup of tea and settle down.

My New Years Resolutions:
My news resolutions are actually really average...

Drink at least two liters a day of water:
It is a well known fact that drinking more water can clear up your skin and can ensure you a healthy glow. Also, drinking two liters of water a day can decrease the frequency of headaches (which I have been getting a lot lately) since the majority of headaches are caused by not drinking enough water. Another little fact is that being dehydrated can sap your energy and make you feel tired, and I could do with not being as tired as often. 

♥Don't eat as much after school:
Over the past 11 years of education, I have got into this rather bad habit of eating A LOT as soon as I walk through the door after school. However, since I really love food this is going to be a hard habit to kick, so I have compromised with myself: if I really need food and I just can't wait until dinner, I am allowed to eat something as long as it's healthy. Baby steps, right?

♥ Exercise more often:
Note how I said 'more often' instead of 'regularly' - I don't want to aim for something I won't achieve haha. The dilemma is that I want to exercise but there are so many better things to do like go on the internet and what not. But I will try my hardest to exercise more often (I bet you I will only exercise like twice this year)

...and that's about it I think?! That's the major goals for this year, and I think I should be able to achieve a least one of them, but who knows!
What are your new year resolutions?

~Thanks for reading~

Fun Fact: Today is my ONE YEAR blog anniversary! I'm not very comminted to anything, so running this blog for one year is a massive achievement for me! Thank you to anyone who reads or follows my blog or does both!! I love you