
Embarrassing moments 2

So, Recently I wrote a blog post about my ' embarrassing moments' It was quite fun sharing my moments with you, so I thought why not share some more :-) 

Zara Philips
I was about seven when me and family went to a horse and dog fair with my friends (Holly's) family. I was quite excited about it, being an excitable 7 year old and all. The day started very well, we watched horses galloping around, dogs walking their owners around the fair. It was about lunchtime, and we went into a field to eat some lunch (it was nice weather so the ground was dry, don't worry) Me and Holly were messing around and *ahem* throwing deer poo at each other *ahem* we were 7 okay but still that is an embarrassing story as it is, let alone what happens next. So we were throwing poo at each other  and at the exact moment I shouted 'SHE THREW POO AT ME' Only Zara Philips went passed us on her horse. If I remember correctly, She gave me the most unapproving look ever. Oh if looks could kill...Does this count as meeting her though? 

All my embarrassing memories seem to involve Holly... funny that. This one is quite recent actually,ok so me and Holly were in English, and the whole class was on a break. During the break, a male English teacher sat down in my English teacher's chair.  This is a really normal thing, but for some reason I found it unacceptable .The male teacher looked around the chatting class innocently, but when he looked at me,he looked confused. This is because I was not only staring at him, but I gave him a look that if it could speak, it would say ' what are you doing in my English teachers chair get out of my territory'. He obviously saw this and replied with a confused and patronising 'Hello'. I then replied with a very spiteful 'hello', sounding like a stroppy toddler. Just be happy you're not me. 

Well that's it really, I hope you got a kick out of my embarrassment. 
~Thank you for reading~

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