
~10 Facts about me ~

Hello everyone! First of all, congratulations to danisnotonfire for getting 1,000,000 subscribers on youtube! anyway, I thought I'd do a post about ten little facts about me! inspired by Zoella :) 
  1. I'm ginger yay
  2. I'm extremely freckly 
  3. I'm an quarter welsh (explains all of the above)
  4. I have an obsession with sausage rolls
  5. My all time favorite shop is either Lazy Oaf or Greggs.
  6. I used to Horse ride for 7 years
  7. I'm not very adventurous
  8. I have never been on a plane :(
  9. When I'm hungry, I get really grumpy
  10. I'll probably the clumsy-est person to ever exist 
Sorry it was a short one.
 ~Thank you for reading~


  1. Hiya, i posted about the liebster award and i nominated you. Hope you can check it out :) tean-mauricette.blogspot.com


    1. Wow! Thank you so so much! I will definitely check it out :) xxxx
