
'The Blog Wall' / Feelings

Hello Everyone! So I just need to say some things that have been on my mind lately, I hope you don't mind. I'm going to let you know now that this maybe confusing :)

Basically, You know when athletes (well, mostly runners) push themselves too hard mentally and they hit something called 'The Runners Wall'? If you don't, it's when a runner would hit a mental boundary which they find hard to defeat and stops them from running any further because they think "I literally can't do this anymore" and I think I've hit that but blogging-wise. I'm not thinking "I can't do this anymore" but I have noticed that my posts aren't doing as well and if i'm honest, nobody seems to be interested in them. I've never really been a positive thinker when it comes to doing things, I have never actually thought "I can do this", but I have always been really positive about blogging, always trying my best (when I can, I mean some posts haven't been any good because of issues such as family problems, no internet etc etc) but recently I'm just finding hard to write posts as I feel nobody really wants to read them. 

((I'm not saying I don't enjoy blogging, because I do a lot. I love thinking of new post ideas, writing and publishing them because I always get a weird sense of achievement like "I'm finally publishing something that is mine" and the fact that people take time to read them and comment on them means more than anything to me because it means some people have taken the time out of their lives to talk to me and give me feedback. There is no better feeling than when a post you actually believe is good does well and not only you, but other people are enjoying reading it too.But sometimes I write posts just to get it out on time, so that I don't miss a publishing date rather than thinking "is it any good?"))

Obviously, I am beyond grateful that people even stop scrolling to read my posts because If I was in your shoes, I don't honestly think I would stop because, well I don't think there is anything all that special about my blog, but then again there is nothing all that special about me and yet I still have friends. 
**I don't even know what I'm trying to say here, and I'm trying to say whatever it is i'm saying in the best intentions and I really am trying my hardest not to sound up myself. **
Ok, this is harder than I thought, right um basically my blog has it's ups and downs. For instance, I would have a really successfully month or so where my blog really takes off, but then I have a period of about 2 months where my blog just kind of sits there awkwardly in the corner. I don't own a blog to aim for fame, I have a blog because I what to make someone happy or at least entertained, because whenever I see something that makes me happy, I get inspired to do the same (hence why I made a blog because I was inspired by Zoella) so I'm not hanging on to every post hoping that it will fly sky high, but sometimes I just feel slightly dissapointed as It might of flopped, like most of my recent posts. All good things have to come to an end eventually (I'm not closing my blog if you were worried) so maybe I was so used to flying high that when I got back to reality it hurt? I think I have been so wound up in how many views each post gets that I have kind of forgot about the actual point of blogging: To publish a piece of writing that you wrote onto the internet, not compete for how many views each posts gets.((I'd just like to stress the fact that just because I'm going to stop focusing on views, does not mean I am eternally grateful for the views ok)) So, I'm going to take a step back, and forget about the views and concentrate on the quality of the post, kinda like a new me? :) 
So Hello, My name is Carys and I run a blog called 'Slightly Awkward Ginger' based on the fact that I'm ginger and awkward, but only slightly ;)
Thank you for reading ~
p.s I understand I have contradicted myself about 7989284812 times but I just needed to get that out there, I hope you understand me and don't think I'm up myself! 



  1. I share you feelings, I have felt like that like 1000 times.. why am I even blogging while no one gives a fukk.. But then I remember I'm doing it for myself (and the few people who possibly might read ;)).
    xo, Lara

    1. Really? I wasn't sure if it was just me! Yeah exactly, that's the stage I have reached now, thank you for commenting! :) xx

    2. Naw there is at least one more person beside you sharing the feeling :D The best way is to try not to please anyone but yourself, tho :) x

    3. Thank you, that's brilliant advice! x

  2. I just kicked off my blog yesterday, and can envision running into the same problems. For one thing, I'm lazy about promotion, which bores me senseless. I just want to write about whatever catches my interest in the moment, and read blogs that do the same. I don't know that I'll stress about page views so much as be disappointed if a few people don't comment here and there. Because having a discussion is sort of the point -- though I'm not completely opposed to talking to myself. ;)

  3. Haha yeah I have realised that now, and I'm so happy with how my blog is going :) Thank you for commenting! xx

  4. I know exactly how you feel. I've been running my own blog for 6 months now and trust me there are many times when i consider dropping it because it seems nobody's interested in what you have to say, not enough support, interaction etc. Its best to remember why you're blogging in the first place for motivation, i guess certain things happen in their own time though! Oh & your blog seems good enough to me :)

    1. Thank you, comments like these keep me going :) That's so nice of you to say that! x

  5. YESS! I can completely relate. But i guess we just need to keep on writing for ourselves, and for the satisfaction we get after clicking the "publish" button. Keep on blogging, your thoughts are definitely worth sharing :)

  6. Wow thank you! I'm glad you agree :) x
