

Hello everyone! First off, I am so sorry for the lack of posts recently, I have been ridiculously busy with exams, mentoring and DofE related things...yeah you can tell I'm back at school! I literally feel like I've been on my feet for the past week and I haven't had a proper time to sit down with a cup of tea and write a blog post! I hope you can understand, I haven't been deliberately not posting! So how has everyone been? *waits for you to respond* oooh right, sounds fun!  
So, I have my Duke of Edinburgh final this weekend, which incase you don't is a course which you can do alongside exams where it tests your mapping, teamwork and camping skills. It also means walking for a minimum of 6 hours with 10kg on your back for 2 days, which is not fun. The only fun thing is being with your friends, however it can get nasty if 5 girls are stress, tire and lost...the point is that it is meant to look very good on your CV.
I thought I would show you some practice expedition photos, and after the weekend I'll show you the real thing!
We're ready to hike!! From Left to Right: Lauren A, Lauren T, Alicia, Me, Holly.

The Lauren's!

We had an aim of the journey and ours was "wheres carys"...It was like where's wally but I'm the wally.
We just reached the top of a VERY big hill!
Me and Lauren in a field 
Where's Carys? ((the leaf makes it look like I have my middle finger up but I can assure you I don't))

Well this has been nice having a little catch up! 
~Thanks for reading~


  1. I always wanted to go camping with my friends.I hope I will soon. Because I think it is really interesting)

    1. It's fun being with your friends definitely :) x
