
Nails Painted

Hello Everyone! I just thought I'd do a quick post to show you my nails! That sound slightly weird but I have painted them. This is a privilege for me as we're not aloud painted nails at my school (frankly I don't see how they're distracting but whatever, my school is basically a prison so they might as well go the whole way and announce that they're taking in criminals) So yeah, here are my nails for you nail lovers! :) 
I decided to do the ol' claw around the nail polish to show what I used but instead it looks really dramatic like I'm about to run off and grabbed my most prized possession in the mad panic. 
A close up of my fingers for anyone who wanted one. 

 So, I did three coats to get this look, I made it very natural as I wasn't really in the mood for something bright (Also because I recently bought a new top that's pink and as I shall obviously be wearing it a lot, I decided to match it to my nails. I am smart you know) First I used the base layer, which was the pale pink. This nail vanish came in a pack so it has no name, but you could easily get the same colour with any other pale pink nail varnish. I then reapplied this on top to get a stronger colour and then let this to dry. (It sounds like I'm giving you a tutorial on how to paint nails) Then I used Rimmel London's Disco Ball 500 as a top layer, which just made it a little more eye catching. 
That's it really, plain and simple. As I have two weeks off, you can expect a lot more of these nail tutorials or whatever you call them! :) 
Do you like me doing these sort of posts?
Just experimenting :) 
~ Thanks for Reading ~


  1. You remind me of my sister! So creative!

  2. Keep up the good work Carys, Holly apporves! I like this style of post as 1. It gives me ideas and 2. It shows me what I can borrow of you! ;)

    1. Thank you for your feedback omg Holly no we need to take you nail varnish shopping
