
No Internet

Hello everyone!  How are you? I have a very sad story to tell you all. It's very hard to talk about...are  you ready?  
... On Monday evening, a very stupid lorry driver crashed his lorry into my roads internet pole (i don't know what they're called) and now *deep breath* I have no Internet and I feel like I'm caveman!
 So today, my very charitable friend offered me her Internet. ((And some tea and cake, very stereotypically British))  so I thought, to show her how grateful I am, she can write a blog post! So, without further ado, Here is my saviour and Internet provider ( she sounds like BT) LAUREN!! 

Hello I'm lauren. I don't know what to write, it's all so new to me. Okay... So basically I was like fangirling when Carys (slightly awkward ginger as you may know her) told me I was going to be part of her blog post coz I'm like her biggest fan and I'm going to start a slightly awkward cardom (Carys fandom) jks I don't enough email accounts to start one but I would if I could.  I literally don't know how Carys is coping without Internet, like what would you do? Read a book? Eat? Play chess? HOW DO YOU COPE?!!!!!!! (If anyone has any suggestions please comment... Although she has no Internet so she won't see it until its too late and no longer needed) well I'm off now, I feel like I've completed a mission... ADIOS AMIGOS lol love lauren :)<3 

Aw hope you enjoyed this
Love Carys & Lauren
~ Thanks for reading ~ 

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I clean the house, the kids ask if the internet's down... they're horrible monsters, though, so I pay no attention to them.
    Being without web access is truly my worst nightmare. Yay for friends with tea and cake and wifi!
