
Time To Be Nosy

  • Hello everyone!! Woah, how long has it been? I actually hate the fact that I haven't posted for almost a month, everything just got so hectic and it's about to get even more, but I needed to post, so here are some questions from tumblr that I thought I would answer! Feel free to answer them yourself! (if you do, leave me a link to the post!)

  • 1.When did your last hug take place? 
    Today actually, I think it was with my mum :) 
    2.Are you a jealous person? 
    Extremely - I hate it about myself. 
    3.Are you tired right now?
    Tired would actually be an understatement, so yes haha. 
    4.Do you chew on your straws? 
    Yes! Who doesn't?! I sometimes do it if I'm out somewhere with people I'm not yet comfortable with, as a way of comfort. 
    5.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? 
    Nooooo, I'm the type of person who needs their sleep in order to function. Plus, when I get overtired I get extremely grumpy, so I think so the best of my friends & family, I should make sure that I never stay awake for 48 hours aha 
    6.What should you be doing right now? 
    Doing homework, but even the thought of it is stressing me out... 
    7.Are you a heavy sleeper? 
    I would say I'm an average sleeper, I sleep heavy enough to not get woken by house sounds, but I sleep light enough to know when to get up. 
    8.Are you mad at someone right now? 
    um, I think mad is a strong word, I just get frustrated easily at things,not just directly people. 
    9.Do you believe in love? 
    As cheesy as it is, yes absolutely. I believe that everyone has someone for them out there, someone who will make you happy whenever you see them & will be there for when you're sad. I wouldn't say that the purpose of life is to find love, but I do think it exists. 
    10.What makes you laugh no matter what? 
    Funnily enough, I find silly little things more funny than comedians - it could literally be an picture or a funny story that will set me off. I think I prefer these like that but they are unplanned for, like when someone falls over (as long as they laugh to) I can't help but laugh, but with comedians all the jokes are rehearsed and they don't have that randomness about it. 
    11.Who was the last person you talked to? 
    My mum again - I can't remember why but I'm pretty sure it was just something like "Can I have a cup of tea" 
    12.Will you get married?
    I can't predict that, but I hope so one day (preferably to a band member) 
    13.When was the last time you smiled? 
    I smile all the time, even when I'm sad. I'm smiling whilst writing this actually. 
    14.Does anyone like you? 
    This is a bad question because how would I know, but based on the fact that I regularly embarrass myself & my school uniform is unflattering to say the least, probably not. 
    15.Who was the first person you talked to today? 
    My mum haha. 
    16.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? 
    Probably my closest friends - I can trust them with anything. 
    17.What are you NOT looking forward to? 
    EXAMS! I'm dreading the exam season, I could barely handle one exam within the space of two weeks let alone 6 within the space of a week oh my god...also growing up, I see why Peter Pan ran away to Neverland ahah 
    18.What ARE you looking forward to? 
    Summer In The City, Concerts, Seeing Lee Evans live, Christmas, My Birthday, Leaving School... I also look forward to little things like listening to music after school, I always make sure i have something to look forward to otherwise I have no motivation. 
    19.Do you plan on moving out within the next year? 
    Absolutely not! I'm only 15! I don't even plan on moving out until the year after next, or the year after that, or the year after that, or the year after that etc 
    20.Are you a forgiving person? 
    Yes - which is probably a bad thing in most situations. I forgive people for doing something wrong even If i don't want to, but If i can tell that they are giving an sincere apology or are generally nice 99%, then yes I will forgive them because I would like them to do the same for me if I ever offended someone. But sometimes, I forgive people who don't even apologise or aren't nice, purely because I can't be bothered with the fuss of being in a strop. 
    21.How many TRUE friends do you have? 
    Probably about 4, but only time will tell. 
    22.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth? 
    Garlic Bread - mmmmmmm 
    23.Who was the last person you drove with? 
    My dad, see I wish I could be like "my best friends because we went on a road trip" but you have probably figured out by now that my life isn't that interesting. 
    24.How late did you stay up last night and why? 
    10:30, because we had a day off today but I was still tired so I decided to go to bed before 2 am for once. 
    25.If you could move somewhere else, would you? 
    Temporarily yes, I'd love to live in a different country for a while but I know I will always come back to where I live now. 
    26.Who was the last person you took a picture of? 
    Myself on Holly's phone, a left her a pleasant picture or me that wasn't so pleasant ahah. 
    27.Can you live a day without TV? 
    Yes, TV is soooo bad nowadays, you can only watch Come Dine With Me or Four Weddings on most channels. There are only a handful of GOOD Tv shows. 
    28.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed? 
    I regularly get extremely disappointed mostly over little things, but the last time I was really dissapointed was when I walked out of my English exam thinking "there goes my predicted A* in English" ooo that was a terrible exam... 
    29.Three names you go by.. 
    Carys (my actual name) 
    CCarysm_ (my twitter name) 
    Caribou (My nickname my family gave me) 
    30.Are you currently in a relationship? 
    No, and I'm ok with that because it's my fault for having extremely high standards thanks to band members. 
    31.What is your all-time favorite romance movie? 
    I haven't really watched many, but obviously something like Romeo and Juliet or Titanic because Leonardo DiCaprio is my favourite actor...although both films end sadly but they still make me feel fuzzy inside. 
    32.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? 
    Yes - everyone seems to marry if they want to. Like, I see some couples and think "they are meant for each-other" so yes I do. 
    33.What’s your current problem? 
    I want to travel and go out and live my life but I can't because of money issues and obviously Education as apparently it's more superior to happiness. 
    34.Your thoughts of long distance relationships? 
    Nothing's impossible - you just have to trust that person enough and think is it worth it, if they make you happy then I don't see the harm in trying. You do what they say "Distance only makes the heart grow fonder". 
    35.How many kids do you want to have? 
    At the most 3, at the least 2. I want a boy first, then a girl but I'm not too fussed.

    Thank you for reading! I hope you at least mildly enjoyed it :)


  1. I also found the video of you singing swagger jagger when I was waiting for outside Cats Protection which amused both me and mum :)

    1. omg I was wondering when you would find that! you need to show it to me tomorrow ahahah x
