
Happy Easter!!

Hello Everyone! So today, I broke up from school (thank god, I couldn't bare it any longer) for two weeks because of Easter!! I'm looking forward to a lot of late nights and layins...oh and eating as many Easter eggs as I can whilst thinking "I'll start my diet tomorrow" pft I sit on the throne of lies. ~ woo ~ So I hope you all have a egg-cellent (sorry) break! As much as I would love to give you all Easter eggs, I can't. So here is a virtual one for all of you!( It's Hotel Chocolat you lucky people) Have a good break ^.^ 
~ Thanks for reading~


  1. Just commented to let you know that you are now one of my favorite blogs.I have a blog which you should be able to visit at meandmyselfonline.blogspot.com or just go on to the blog community on google+ (It's where I found your blog) Thanks.

    1. wow! Thank you so much - you're the first person to say that! I'll check out your blog :) x

    2. Thank you loads too it really means a lot.Any chance you could become my first follower or whatever its called?It'd mean a lot.
