
My weekend

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was exciting but in the wrong type of way. I've always wished that I had a more exciting life, maybe you really do have to be careful about what you wish for.

On Saturday, I did the usually. I went to Cats Protection to work and then afterwards went to my friend Alicia's party, which was lovely and her cats could be a circus act (they were back flipping!!) By the time I got home it was about 9 'o' clock at night and to be honest I just wanted to sleep. So, I went upstairs and finished 'The perks of being a wall flower' (which I absolutely loved and probably going to go and see the movie soon) When my mum called me downstairs and told me that my sister has had an allergic reaction to Vaseline and we need to go to hospital.(Right, basically when she was 7 she had a massive allergic reaction to nuts and the doctor's told us to avoid nuts from then on. But stupidly we bought a almond Vaseline  which she then put on her lips.)  and so by this time it was about 11:30 pm, and we rushed to A & E where she got seen immediately. It was about - I don't know - 2:30 on Sunday morning when I got a pack of the sweet's Randoms, this is irrelevant to the story but it was the first time I had Randoms at 2:30 in the morning ok it was a special moment. We didn't get out of the hospital until about 3:30 am and then didn't get back home until about 4 am! My sister was fine afterwards and it was a long day.

My Sunday didn't really start until about 2 in the afternoon as that was the time we got up after our late night. So, as a reward for being so good ( aw I sound like a 7 year old aw) My parents got me and my sister a good ol' Costa. It was going so well until Hannah got a delayed reaction and unfortunately had to go to hospital again. I persuaded my parents to let me stay at home as I've discovered I'm absolutely terrified of hospitals.So, my parents and sister didn't return until about 10 at night. I made my own dinner and everything. wow.

So that was my weekend, well more like event. I hope yours was good.
*Just a quick reminder that Dan & Phil have their own radio show on Sundays on Radio 1 between 7 and 9 pm ok and no they're not paying me to say this*
~ Thank you for reading~

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