
Double Liebster Blog Award!

Hello Everyone!!  I have once again been nominated for the Liebster blog award by the lovely Emily and Ashley ♡ Thank you! I feel so privileged to be nominated for the liebster blog award more than once, it's so rewarding so thank you to all! I shall continue these because there are SO many blogs that deserved to be recognised!

The rules:
The 11 questions from Emily:

1. What is the one thing you love the most?
Out of everything? Well a place would be my room because it just relaxes me. A item would probably be my mighty topshop boots and a person would be..I honestly don't know because you have to define love really. Ha, I'm so good at answering questions.

2. If you could do anything with your life what would you do?
I would do something I love for money. My worst nightmare is working at a job that I despise! Then after that, I would use the money to travel the world and visit as many things as I could before I die.

3. What one thing do you always wear or bring with you?
I always bring my ipod wherever I go, you never know when you could fit in a cheeky song or two!

4. What is the meaning of life to you?
To me, I think the meaning of life is to complete as many of your dreams as you can & never regret anything because at one point it was what you wanted.((and to have a family and stuff but that could be one of your dreams so))

5.What is one way you get creative?
via blogging I guess, I'm not very good at art so this is the most creative I come really! But sometimes if I really like something or someone, I will make something in honour of them. For Example, I made a scrapbook for PointlessBlog and MarcusButlerTV . Another way I become creative is from influence, such as KickThePJ as he is extremely creative (I might do a blog post about him)

6. Favorite food?
Chocolate covered raisins, without a doubt.

7. Tea, coffee or herbal teas?
Tea mostly, but I do like a costa coffee every now and then...

8. Something your readers don't know about you.
I think they know literally everything about me know, but maybe that I don't wear a lot of make up compared to most 15 year old girls.

9. Gel, mousse, liquid or powder foundation?
I don't wear foundation, but I feel that liquid maybe followed by some powder would be the way.

10. Lipstick or lipgloss?
Lipstick everytime! I think lipgloss is a bit too sticky for my liking.

11. Why did you start blogging?
I have always liked the idea of making something and then broadcasting it, hence why I want to go down the media line! and also because I was inspired to by Zoella

The 11 questions from Ashley:

1. What is your favorite drugstore makeup product?
I don't really wear much make-up, even though I'm actually really interested in it. But I think my favourite would be mascara, as that's what I use daily :)

2. What is something you love about using makeup?
Well If i did use more make-up, I would probably say the creativity of it & how you can design your face practically ha.

3. What is something your readers don't know about you?
I just got my first job waitressing for weddings :)

4. What is you favorite skincare product?
Simple moisturiser ha

5. What is your dream job?

Be a producer at BBC Radio One! You can control a radio show without the pressure of hosting the show.

6. Fears?
Being in tight spaces or being trapped in unfamiliar circumstances I guess

7. What is one makeup product you could live without?
Lipstick, although I am growing very fond of it!

8. One place in the world you'll love to visit?
Greece or Australia definitely.

9. Shoes or Handbags?

Shoes, whenever you look down, you see your feet. So i think you need to make the sight as pretty as you can ;)

10. How would you describe your fashion style?
I would probably descirbe my fashion sense as adventous and mixed! I quite like bright designs or differnet designs, but at the same time I like quite neutral colours as well. Also, sometimes I want to where jeans and a t-shirt, and the other times I would want to wear a skirt. I confuse myself haha

The 11 Bloggers I nomianted are...

*You may have noticed that I've only put down five here, that's because I don't follow enough blogs basically! I have either already tagged the other blogs I follow in previous liebster awards or they have more than 200 followers! So, if you would like to be tagged next time, just leave a link to your blog in the comments and I might follow! It's a win-win situation, you get a follower, I get a new blog to read! :) p.s sorry if I have tagged you before and just tagged you again!*

The 11 questions:

  1. What made you want to start a blog?
  2. What category would you say your blog fit into?
  3. What do you look forward to in the future?
  4. If you had to spend the rest of you life with someone, who would it be?
  5. Do you prefer high-street fashion or top end clothes?
  6. Favourite item of clothing?
  7. What do you want to be when you're older?
  8. Who are/is your inspiration?
  9. Something your readers don't know about you?
  10. What are your fears?
  11. Do you have any pets?
Sorry that this has been such a long post, but I do appreciate you reading it!


  1. How regularly do these take place??

    1. They are always happening, it's just a way of discovering new blogs. I'm sure you shall get nominated any day now :) x
