
Fun In The Sun

Hello everyone!! If you live in England you will know that it has been unusually hot this weekend and most of this week! I originate from Wales so I am really not used to hot weather and I just awkwardly walk around when its hot. So, with this in mind, On Sunday afternoon I awkwardly walked around the village with some friends! It was so lovely to relax and just wander around! If you haven't yet tried this, you really should! 

Me and Alicia sitting on the bridge very dramatically and it looks like we are deep in thought, when actually we were trying not to laugh because we couldn't actually see anything as the beams of the bridge were in the way.
We were doing cartwheels and rolypoly's in the park, but little did we know one of my neighbours was watching us and laughing ha
[From Left to Right: Holly, Me & Lauren. Alicia was taking the picture]
This looks like I was posing but I was actually just picking a bouquet of daises to give to Lauren haha

What did you do this weekend? Let me know!
Thank you to Lauren, Holly & Alicia for a lovely afternoon :-)
~Thanks for reading!~
P.S There might not be another post until next Wednesday as I am going away with the school for a bit, but I promise it shall be worth the wait! x



  1. I think I look very nice in the photos! pft omg my best side is online for the world to see , brilliant

    1. Dammit holly I thought I had a serious comment but it's just you

  2. Hahahah you now have another pointless comment from me in reply (its fine I'm gonna go now)
