
More Feelings

Hello Everyone! This is going to be another long deep post, just a heads up!
I'm going to be honest, I am thinking about closing my blog. This isn't because I don't want it anymore but it's because I have turned my blog into a job, which if you read my last post, you would know that when a hobby turns into a job, it becomes something to put off and another thing to worry about. It's got to a point where I literally think "ugh, it's time to write another post" and I have a strong feeling that this has come across in my posts. I used to enjoy writing posts, but then I started writing posts that I would appeal to more people, about things that I didn't have an interest in. 
Also, loads of people have said my posts are good but if don't have confidence in them, they can't go very far! If I wasn't me and this wasn't my blog, I wouldn't it these posts because to but it plainly, they're boring. I don't have a very exciting life or many interests worth reading about, so why I have a blog is beyond me. 
People who have blog dedicated to there interests are the ones who do well because it comes across in the posts how much enthusiasm and genuine interest they have. For example, Beauty blogs are always amazing because they are run by beauty enthusiasts, but me, I don't wear much make-up so I have nothing to talk about, nothing to review! I am genuinely interested in Beauty but haven't tried many products. 
What I have distinguished from having a blog is that you needed to know what you're aiming for, how you want the audience to feel and who that audience will be. But because I am extremely indecisive, I'm not aiming for anything and I think that makes my blog pointless I guess.  
My orginial purpose of my blog was to be orginial and unique, to not have a subject theme so that I can talk about anything and everything. Yes, it is extremely entertaining writing about anything you want but it can also lead to extremes on both ends: Extremely exciting or extremely boring posts, and my post seem to be on the extremely boring side as I literally don't have anything going on in my life other than exams.
Which makes me think that thats why my blog is boring, because I am too young to have something worth blogging about. I'm not old enough to go and do exciting things on my own, I'm not old enough to go on road trips and meet new people, and these are genuinely what make-up an interesting lifestyle blog that are worth reading about.
Lets be honest here, who really wants to read about a 14 (almost 15) year old girl's life?
Who wants to read about what I'm doing in between exams?
I wouldn't.
Referring to a previous point, because I have kept my posts to a certain schedule  It makes me reluctant to write posts. (I'm a teenager: It's our nature to rebel against things we need to do) So maybe I should un-schedule my posts? So that if there is something I want to write about, I will and if there isn't, then I won't. 
My mum always says that when you cook a meal, you are less hungry when it's ready, so maybe it's the same with blogging? I am the one who writes the posts and so I am the one who is not interested in them, because I know what's in it, I guess? (did that even make sense)
Overall, No, I'm not closing my blog but I won't be posting as often and yes I am sorry for that but if you have something for too long you get bored of it, so if I start to have a break, my interest will hopefully return.
What do you think? 

Thank you so much for reading, I needed to say this.
Carys xx


  1. What if you just take a break and post when you feel like posting, not when you "should" post? Just post when you feel excited about something, have an opinion to voice or something special happened...? Don't make it a burden. And don't close your blog :)

    1. Yeah, I think I will from now on. Thank you so much x
