

Hello everyone! So today I thought I'd do a post about some books that I've read that I have really really liked. I don't know why ,but recently I have been reading a lot which is strange for me because I'm not really a big reader. But hey ho, Here are some books that I enjoyed :)

'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green
I think this book is only about £10 from Waterstones but obviously as it's gaining popularity the price will increase. I really like John Green as an Author and I've read many (I think all actually) of his other books but this one is by far my favorite book by him, if not my favorite book of all time. It has a really deep message about fighting through Cancer and it also beautifully tells a journey of friendship and relationships. I know what you're thinking: 'ew it's another lovey dovey stereotypical teenage fiction book'  I would say it's only 20% about love and the rest is about never giving up. It's honestly one of the sweetest books I've read, although It's quite sad at the end. *just a warning*

'Paper Towns' by John Green 
This book started off as an adventure, there was no real setting the scene,which I prefer because then it just gets straight to the point. It's about a boy, going against what everyone is saying, trying to find his runaway friend. I thoroughly enjoyed this book from page 2, although it was slightly repetitive but the point of that was to create tension. I really recommend you read this if you have read The fault in our stars - although,once I read the fault in our stars, It almost came naturally, I bought all of John Green's other books. 

'The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky 
 I discovered this book as every time I looked to buy a John Green book, it'd always be in the 'Similar things to buy' section (also because it's a major movie now) and it was quite funny as when I went into the shop to find it, I didn't even finish asking the man who it was by before he went and found it! Anyway, I don't know if this really count's as being one of my favorite books that I've read  because I haven't finished it yet - I'm about halfway through. I'm already intrigued to see how it ends because the whole book is written in the style of letters, and the letters tell the story. Although these letters aren't really addressed to anyone, they just say 'Dear Friend' so I have no idea who Charlie (the boy writing the letters) is writing to. That's how I can already tell it's a good book, because it makes you read to the end to find out the answers.

Well those are three of the books I've recently read, I'm not really a bookworm but they didn't take me too long to finish.  I hope this didn't bore you too much! sorry...

~Thank you for reading~

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