
The Woman In Black review

Hello Everyone! Well, I saved the Monday blog post slot for a suggested post which was 'a day in the life'. Since I had quite an eventful day on Saturday, I thought I'd do it about that. But sadly, I forgot and so didn't really take any pictures to show you a day in the life of Carys. So, I promise I will do that! ... when I remember to prepare for it when I have an interesting day. Instead I shall do a review on the thriller 'Woman In Black' 

*This may contain spoilers*
Right, I saw this on Saturday and overall I was slightly disappointed. I 'believed the hype' about this and how everyone was giving it a 9/10 on the scale of scariness, so obviously me being a wimp and all, I was quite nervous about watching it. At first, I found the first scene where those children jumped out of the window as if in a trance, psychologically creepy. I have to admit, it was a good way to start the film as it caused curiosity and engagement. But when Daniel first entered the creepy old house, you could see what was going to happen. You knew he would see this 'woman in black' and that something would happen to set up the story. Then when he came back to the village, and the children were dying, it turned more into an adventure movie than a thriller. Obviously, various parts of the film were extremely jumpy, but most of it was setting the story and the film didn't actually start getting interesting until about half way though, but by then you could tell what was going to happen. Overall, I think this movie is overrated and predictable. Although ,give it credit, It's very creative and is good for teenagers like me as it's not too scary but enough to give you a good jump every now and then. I would give this a 6/10 on jumpiness and maybe a 4/10 on overall scariness. Good show, Daniel. 

What do you think about this movie? Let me know! :)
~Thank you for reading~

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