
Use it to your benefit.

"The future is what you make of it"
Hello Everyone! So I've been thinking a lot lately about thing's in life I would like to do - like Skydive and travel. But as obvious as it is, all of the things I want to do involves money, which is something I don't really have and a lot of other people are in the same boat as me. The fact that I can't live how i want to live and do what I want to do because of money used to really upset me, but I've come to use it to my benefit.

If there is something you want to do but money restricts you - Don't completely rule it out. Just save it for later. Use it to your own benefit. Ok, so you know that you can't do it now, but then that should encourage you to do it later. There are so many places i want to travel to, and so many things i want to do and that fact that I can't do it now has just encouraged me to do it when I'm older. It's encouraged me to be more confident with the world as one day, I'll be traveling around it. As you may already know, I've never been on a plane. Therefore I am even more encouraged to go on a plane. Hopefully, when I do go abroad on a plane and experience different cultures, It will be a better experience as I would know that I've worked for it and It will be something I can say I've done before I die. I'm going to make the best of my future, not in a #YOLO (You only live once...completely overused and misunderstood by my generation) way but in a I've-done-everything-I've-wanted-to way, I want to die knowing that I've done everything I've ever wanted to do. The best way to do that is to make my life as good as I can with what I've got. I don't want to think "What if..." I want to think "I'm glad I did that" .

I don't think I'm alone here. I know there are people is the same boat as me, and this post is to help you see that instead of being upset and frustrated like I was, use it to your own advantage and make the best of what you've got.
So for now, I'm not going to be travelling, but doesn't mean I won't when I'm older. 

~ Thank you for reading, It always means a lot. ~

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