
Blog Re-design

Hello Everyone! Seeing as I'm awfully close to my 50th post, I thought to celebrate this little milestone, I would shake my blog up a little! As you can probably see, It's a little different! I tried a lot of different things, I was going to change the colour scheme and the background. I found a really nice style and I was so happy with it, but unfortunately it didn't work :( Although this one is perfectly nice too! So, why not make yourself at home? Come and sit down for a while. I've also added a reaction bar at the bottom so you can vote about how good/bad my post was. (seriously go all out-If you think it's bad, say it's bad. I won't take it personally, It will just help me determine which type of style you prefer) If there is anything wrong or you just simply think there is something I can improve, then please leave a comment!
Yay hope you all had a good weekend :) 
p.s If you read my last post, you would know that my uncle is in Hospital due to a heart attack. Well, if you're wondering how he is doing, he's doing a lot better! 
~Thanks for reading~


  1. I'm glad your uncle is better! And, the new look is super-cute! I like! :o)

    1. Thank you so much! Wow that means a lot, Thank you again! x
