
Quick Catch up!

Hello Everyone! You may have noticed that I haven't been blogging as well or as frequent lately (Sorry) but this week has been a kind of blur as there have been some major family issues that was my main priority  Unfortunately, my uncle has been taking to hospital following a heart attack and he is about to undertake a very bloody marriage breakup  and I guess he needs our support more than ever in the next couple of months. However, I will try my hardest to make sure my blogging is regular as we've hit the worst it can get, it can only get better now! 
Anyway, How is everyone? School is almost upon me  (please don't make me go and face Spanish) and even the thought of school is making me stressed... I have already removed my nail polish ready for the schools prison like regulations :-( 
Hope you all have a lovely weekend! ★
~ Thank you for Reading ~


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle! <3 I hope he starts feeling better soon.

    Ew. School... good luck with that! Mi no encanta espanol... I can't remember if that's right...

    Kateez | Beauty, Style & Life Blog

    1. Thank you! so do I <3 That's basically right yeah! Ugh I don't like learning it but my school make us take a language! Thanks for following :) x
