
Blogging Tips

Hello Everyone! How are you all? So unfortunately *sigh* I have returned to school and counting down the days until half term, but anyway I thought today It would be useful if I did a post about blogging tips, It will be useful for me too so this is a win win situation really! Now, I understand I'm not a big blogger and the likely hood of ordinary me becoming big is extremely unlikely so I'm probably not the best person to give blogging tips but hey every little helps right? 

  1. Create a name: This is fairly obvious but I find it better to recognise different blogs if they have a very distinct name, something memorable. 
  2. Decide on a theme to write about: You might of created a blog because of an interest for something inparticular like penguins and so you have decided to dedicate a whole part of your life to it, and so as it goes that's your theme. Or you can be like me, no theme (purely because I am so indecisive, I couldn't decide on one)
  3. Good grammar and punctuation: I always think blogs with good English (or whatever language you speak) looks more professional and more inviting. Obviously,I'm contradicting myself a bit here because I know that I have made a lot of mistakes, grammatically speaking. 
  4. Colour schemes: Right, this is where some actual educated knowledge comes in. I study Media as a GCSE so I know that each colour has a different affect on the audience, for instance Black could mean mysterious, tense or dramatic. So, If you have a gaming or a movie review blog, than it would be better to have a dark theme as it creates tension whilst if you have a beauty blog, it would be better to have light colours as they are more inviting. However, If your blog has no theme like mine, then just pick whatever colour suits you best.
  5. Don't give up: I think most bloggers have wrote a post that flopped on it's face (well I hope most bloggers have otherwise I'm the only one) but the most important thing to think is to not give up because the more you try, the more it will pay off. 
Some motivational quotes to keep you going:

"Good things come to those who wait, but the best things come to those who do"
"What comes easy won't last, What lasts won't come easy"

Please feel free to add some advice in the comments below if you have some good points!
~ Thank you for reading~

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