
Florida Present

Hello Everyone! Hope you're all having a good week and are looking forward to the weekend If you've been working/at school all week!
My friend Lauren (Who previosuly wrote a part of a blog post here) returned from sunny Florida last Monday and bought me a present! :) So I thought I'd show you what I got because I love it.

These are my favorite things ever

Right so, I am a big Harry Potter fan (well when I say big I mean I like it a lot, but I'm not a 'potterhead') and so It would only make sense to get me something from Harry Potter World, right? Lauren got me a Chocolate frog (which I haven't eaten yet...) and I got the Dumbledore card with it! It's also holographic so it actually looks like it moves like it does in the movie. I also got a Postcard from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which Lauren was nice enough to get stamped at Hogsmeade! I then got some Apple hand sanitiser which smells of what I would think America smells like :)
All this came in a Harry Potter bag! That was the cherry on top.

I sound like a nerd but I don't care, I have a chocolate frog from Harry Potter Land.
Thank you Lauren :-)
~Thank you for reading~