

Exams. Even the word sickens me. There is an 'X' in 'Exam' for a reason. X is one of the last letters in the alphabet and exams are one of the last things anybody wants to do. 

This last week, I've been really stressed because of exams. For instance, yesterday I had a CAT (Controlled Assessment Task)  in every lesson! A CAT is basically coursework that you're not aloud to take home. I think this might bore you, but I'm just expressing my opinions on exams. 

Exams are all good for braniac's who basically breathe out knowledge , but for people like me who panic in tests and pretty much forget how to think as soon as you enter the hall, It's not the best way to demonstrate what we know. I'm fine in class and I revise (where it's necessary) but for some reason it just doesn't pay off in the actual test. Then I get myself down because I know I could've done better but I didn't. It doesn't make it any better when people come out and discuss the answers, because I panic thinking 'I didn't get that answer... maybe their wrong? maybe I'm wrong?' and then it just stays on my mind. 

So what I've learnt from doing various mock exams and CATS is that you can only do your best. Unfortunately, you may think your best isn't good enough, but don't stress yourself out about it.  I've come to know my limits and I know how well I can do. 
So these are some top tips on how to do well in exams:
  • Identify Topics you don't understand and revise them: We all know that the one topic you don't understand will be in the exam for sure, so It's best to try to understand it or get someone else to explain it again. 
  • Don't stress: The exam hall can be pretty scary, but just breathe because everyone else is feeling the same.
  • Believe in yourself:  I always think to myself If I believe I can do it, I'm half way there. 
Hey... maybe I should start following my own tips! Especially the last one! 

 ~ Thank you for reading ~

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