
Snow day

So, as you probably already know, over 200 schools were closed today and thankfully mine was one of them! The amount of excitement I felt when I saw 'School is closed' on the website was unbelievable. I feel like a 5 year old again ha - and I'm sure everyone else did too! So whilst I was pelting my dog with snowballs (don't worry she likes that, it's not animal abuse ok) I realised how lucky I am to have such a happy home life. I know it's cheesy and I'm probably just saying this because I'm still suffering from post no-school-because-lots-of-snow excitement, but it's true. We always get on so well and aw life's cute.

Even though I have a happy home life, I know some people don't. So if anyone needs to talk, I'm always here, ok? 

I hope everyone (who has snow) is enjoying the snow as much as me!
I hope everyone is having a brilliant day, even if you're at school or don't have snow :-)

-Thank you for reading- 


  1. You are very lucky! My college has hardly any snowdays :(

    1. Thank you!:) We only got a snow day because where I live we got a lot of snow, but even then my headteacher only closed it at the last minute haha
