
Hiya, I'm the new girl.

Hello everyone!! I'm new to blogging, so bare with me whilst I get the hang of it.  This blog won't be exactly funny nor interesting or frankly worth your time,but I have wanted to make a blog for a long time now, but just never had the courage. So, here I am. I got inspired to create a blog by Zoella's blog
=Who is Zoella?=

Zoella is a youtuber who makes videos about beauty and fashion, she also (as you would know if you clicked the link) is a fantastic blog writer. In fact, her 'Just Say Yes' post is probably one of the most inspiring and my most favorite blog post...ever! I definitely recommend you check that out if you suffer from anxiety or you're just shy, it helped me a lot. So, If you like make up and beauty, or are just curious about new products, I definitely recommend subscribing to her. It's funny because I'm not particularly girly, but I love watching her videos. 
Well this went a bit off topic, I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I've ended up recommending her to you! She's not paying me to do this either, haha. So yeah thank you to that small handful of people who read this, You've probably realised by now that you'll never get those minutes back you spent reading this, sorry about that ....


  1. I was inspired by zoella too!! She is incredible and such a role model. Hope your blogging goes well :) xxx

    1. Thank you!! Yeah, I really look up to her. Hope yours goes well too :~) xx
